Make Your Social Media Profile Stand out – Be Prominent in Your Field


We live in a world that is driven by superficial trends and behavior. And nowhere is that more apparent than on social media.

For you the business owner or professional, this could be an advantage. In 2019, nearly everyone who owns a smartphone is on at least one social media website.

According to Statista, there are approximately 2.77 billion social media users worldwide. That means, there is a massive opportunity for businesses and professionals to connect with people who matter to them. But there is also immense competition for attention.

Everyone, from your next-door neighbor to multi-billion dollar companies is on social media in some form. So, so, if you do succeed at outshining the competition, the prize could be immense. But, this is clearly a task easier said than done. hence the reason why I am written this article. The goal is to show you the most effective tactics to help you stand out in your field of expertise.

Always fill out your profile information

This is so basic and fundamental, yet how come not everyone is doing it? The truth is, a surprising number of people do not take the time to enter this information on their profiles. This may be because most people underestimate the effect their profile information could have in portraying them as professionals.

Also, a well-written bio will immediately show people that you are a professional. And to boot, the majority of people won’t have one, which would make you stand out immediately.

Here are 8 social media platform you should consider!


When it comes to social media, engagement is absolutely key. This means you need to post frequently, join relevant groups and be part of relevant conversations. Wherever you can contribute with your knowledge. Frequent engagement shows people that you have a wide knowledge of a particular subject. Have you ever heard “Top Of Min” in marketing? It’s when your name is the first to come to the mind of your clients when they think of your products or services.

Use high-quality visuals

What’s the first thing you probably notice about any social media profile? If you are like most people, it’s the images that catch your attention first. Human beings are strongly visually oriented. So, you will be doing your profile and online reputation no favors with poor visuals.

You should upload only high-quality images and videos. And for your posters and other graphics, you can use free tools such as Canva. It goes without saying, that if you are using personal photos they should be professional photos. Possibly taken by a professional.

Use live videos

Videos are playing an increasingly important part of the online experience. Live video, in particular, is one of the best ways to connect with people.

The first benefit of live videos is, that you immediately come across as being knowledgeable, confident on the subject. In fact, live videos are getting priority in viewer feeds, hence the reasons you should take this opportunity.

On Facebook, for example, you would reach to a wider audience with live videos than posts with a simple text or images. So start doing live videos.

never going to reach as many of your friends and followers with a regular text or image post as you will with a live video. So start doing live videos.

Creative repetitive events

Recurring events is one of the best ways your business or professional profile stands out from the pack. It requires a little bit of commitment. But the payoff could be great. What you could do is publish a new post, or make a live video at the same time every week. More often is better if what you share is of great quality. Otherwise, reduce it to where you can be consistent.

And it goes without saying, how important it is to ensure that you deliver quality in these sessions. Therefore, make sure you do some research about current or trending issues in your field.

Respond to messages – and fast!

Social media has dramatically changed how people expect to receive customer care, or feedback from businesses, and other organizations.

According to Facebook Newsroom, approximately 8 billion messages exchanged between people and businesses per month. That is four times as much as the figure for last year. What’s the takeaway? Communication between people and businesses is only going to increase, and people expect prompt helpful responses. A failure to deliver in that sense will indicate unprofessionalism on your part, so beware.


The tactics we discussed previously, all have to do with organic reach and optimizing your profile. So, first, optimize your profile. Then get out there and get as many people as you can to view your profile.

Another great thing is the way most social media sites are set up. You can and should advertise yourself or business in order to reach to the highest number of people.

Building an online reputation is much the same as building an offline reputation. You must ensure that you achieve maximum visibility. Also, you should ensure that people like what they see when they take a look at your profile. Now, follow these steps and you will be on your way to standing out as an expert in your field.

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